Get Involved

Any money raised for MS Together will help us achieve our four main goals for 2023:

We are a brand new charity and managed entirely by volunteers. So there’s lots of ways you can support us:

Increase our reach

Increase our reach
Our mission is to support as many young people with MS as possible. To do this, we need to reach as many young people as possible. Funds will be used to design, print and distribute promotional materials, and increase our online presence.

Add to our support offering

We want to make sure that we are offering the support that young people need. Our research shows that our community would like us to facilitate and provide informative talks on various topics and provide a peer-to-peer support network. Costs for this will include conducting research, training volunteers, advertising and launching our new offering.

Improve the representation of young people living with MS

We aim to educate the general public about the needs and experiences of young people living with MS. We will do this through developing and taking part in national and international awareness campaigns, increasing the profile and coverage of MS in young people in the media, and demonstrating partnership working with professional bodies and like-minded organisations to make sure the MS community is better represented.

Implement new and improved processes

We need to cover a number of start-up costs to make sure that our processes are efficient and safe. Some examples include purchasing business tools and an online workspace for our volunteers, upgrading our marketing and CRM tools and processes. It would also include general admin costs for the day-to -day running of MS Together.

Take part in Move Together for MS!

Take part in Move Together for MS! Because together, we are stronger.

To take part in this challenge, all you need to do is set your very own movement challenge to complete on Sunday 28th May, and raise sponsorship to support people living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Here’s some ideas of what activities you could do:

  • Choose a distance to complete by walking / running / swimming / rowing / cycling / arm cycling, etc
  • Set yourself a goal to complete in the gym
  • Do a hiking challenge
  • Dance or exercise for a certain amount of time
  • Sign up to do an adventure course

This is a truly accessible event because no matter your ability, you can set yourself a challenge that works for you! You don’t have to do it alone either, why not get your friends, family members or colleagues involved? You could even get a team together with other MS Together members! We want as many people to get involved as possible so please do help us spread the word.

We believe keeping active is important for our physical and mental health, so hopefully getting involved in our Move Together fundraising challenge will help motivate you to keep moving through out 2023. However, we do understand that living with MS can cause a lot of uncertainty. So, if you have any problems completing your challenge on Sunday 28 May, you will have until midnight on Sunday 4 June to complete it.

Whatever activity you choose, MS Together will be right there to support you!

Once you’ve done this, we’ll be in touch to thank you, give you some extra information and send you our additional fundraising resources. So the sooner you sign up, the better!

We’d love to talk with you about some of the different ways you could get active. Email to discuss some ideas or ask us any questions!

We think this will be a truly special and empowering event, because people all around the country will be getting active on the same day in whatever way works for them - all to help support young people living with MS.

If this date doesn’t work for you, or if you have another idea for a fundraiser for MS Together, get in touch with us to find out about how we can support you with your own event!

1. Volunteering

We have a huge variety of volunteering roles. If you can spare a few hours per week and have experience in social media, fundraising, marketing, events or finance, please get in touch!

2. Collaborations / Partnerships / Sponsorship

We would be open to collaborating with people or organisations who can offer talks, support, and products that benefit our community. We would also love to work with corporate partners who could support us in recruitment, fundraising and sponsored events.

3. Connect with us on social media

We have found that social media has been a great way for us to reach the people we need to. So please follow us and engage with our content as much as possible. Don’t worry, despite our offering being mostly aimed at our target audience of 18-35 year olds, our social media channels are open to everyone and we hope that many people can benefit from the content we put on there, including over 35’s, friends, family members, carers and colleagues of people with MS, or others that want to know more about MS.

4. Fundraising

Sign up to a fundraising event and choose to fundraise for MS Together through JustGiving:

5. Spread the word

Word of mouth is a great way for us to get the word out there about MS Together, so please pass our details on to anyone you think would benefit.

If you’d like to talk with us about any of the above, please contact: or fill out our contact form.

Thank you so much in advance for any support you give – it will make such a difference and really does mean the world to everyone at MS Together.